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About Us

Our GVS Team

Sally Wilkinson

GVS Chair & Director

Roy Le Hegarat

GVS Treasurer & Director

Roy Martel

GVS Secretary & Director

Clare Winter

GVS Director

Ruth Robinson

GVS Director

Mark Downing

GVS Director

Mike Hockey

GVS Director

Claire Heaume

GVS Director

Dilla Wright

Alderney Co-ordinator

Our Work in the Community

We are passionate about all islanders and love to get involved in our community.

Blood Donor Service

The GVS’s team of volunteers provides a valuable service at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital. Three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 9:15 am and 11.45 am, they contact registered blood donors to arrange for them to attend the Blood Bank. The team must ensure that the donors are in good health and are available to attend the clinic. The blood is for use on the island and by donating their time, these volunteers enable HSC employees to focus on other jobs. On June 6th 2014, the blood donor service operated by the GVS celebrated 20 years of service.


PLEASE NOTE: If you are enquiring about becoming a blood donor, GVS volunteers are only responsible for making the donor calls on behalf of the Hospital. To become a donor, you will need to contact the Pathology Lab at the hospital on 725241. We wish you well in your hope to donate blood as it is so worthwhile and important. 

"Thank you so much again for attending, you provide such a valuable service and are such an important part of our Show as we know that any vulnerable people, mothers and children are dealt with in such a lovely, friendly way."

- Mandy Le Prevost, Secretary

West United Agricultural & Horticultural Society - The West Show -

The West Show

There has been a long tradition of WRVS involvement, with the North and West Shows going back to 1952 including participation in the Battle of the Flowers. They are part of the island's agricultural and horticultural tradition and are enjoyed by both residents and visitors. For the last few years, the GVS has hosted rest tents for those seeking a quiet place in which to relax, especially the elderly and mothers with young children. Although we are no longer needed at the North Show we can still be found at the West Show.

The Saffery Champness Rotary Walk

This is a large, annual event: a sponsored walk around the perimeter of Guernsey which raises money for Guernsey charities. GVS staffs a hospitality tent at the end of the walk, providing much needed refreshment for the walkers.

At the GVS, we care passionately about the people in our community. We believe that no one should ever feel isolated or lonely. Through the delivery of our services at our two Social Clubs, we work hard to bring people together and build social connection, late into life.


Through Meals on Wheels, we bring hot meals to those individuals who can’t make it into either of our Social Clubs. Through our large and amazing volunteer force, we deliver over 25 ,000 meals to people in their homes.

The Women's Voluntary Service

The Women's Voluntary Service came into existence in the UK in June 1938 as part of war preparations. The first organiser was Lady Reading who had been asked by the UK government to set up an organisation for women that would work with the ARP (Air Raid Precautions).  Their work during the war was invaluable, and in all spheres: support for the troops, organisation of the evacuation of children, soup kitchens and canteens, distribution of clothing for refugees, help for evacuees and for those who had lost all in the bombings. The WVS members were known as the ‘Ladies in Green’ owing to their distinctive uniforms.  For further information see the WRVS Archive Section. In 1966 in recognition of the service that the WVS and its volunteers had given to their country it was granted the honour of adding ‘Royal’ to the title by Her Majesty the Queen and so became the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service.

A branch of the WVS was formed in Guernsey in 1949 with a membership of 6 under the leadership of Miss Doreen Smith-Ainsley.   Right from inception it was recognised that the local branch should respond to needs of the island. The initial philosophy was to give practical support to isolated and lonely people, to assist them to maintain their independence and to help them remain in their own homes -particularly in later life. During the first few years the main activities were the Darby and Joan Clubs - one in every parish, the rest tents at the Agricultural Shows and meeting the lifeboat with refreshments after every call out.  The scope of the work soon took in other areas of island life and membership gradually increased.  In 1960 the Meals on Wheels service was launched, growing in size over the years  and in 2013 over 30,000 meals were delivered in Guernsey alone using four dedicated vehicles based at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital.

Alderney’s involvement with the WVS began in 1946 soon after the islanders returned after the Second World War. Two ladies from the WVS in London assisted the local people by working in the Food Office and helping with the distribution of clothing.  A local branch of the WVS linked with Guernsey was set up in 1951. The longest serving local organiser on Alderney was Pat Hart MBE. WVS Alderney became an independent branch of the WVS in 1957 and the following year permission was granted by the States for the use of a room at the police station in St Annes  as the WVS Centre. The Alderney WRVS was awarded the Queens Jubilee Award in 2003 and the medal is on display in the Alderney Museum.

In Guernsey in October 1977 2 Newington Place, Grandes Maisons Road was purchased and named Jubilee House, a name chosen by the members. It acted as a centre for the organisation and a day centre for the elderly. Then in 1993, after significant fundraising, the purpose built Jubilee Day Centre was built in Grandes Maisons Road, St Sampson.

The Guernsey Voluntary Service, otherwise known as the GVS was launched as a charity independent of the WRVS in 2011, the Alderney branch was also incorporated into this re-organisation. No changes were made to the services provided and there has been a great deal of positive feedback regarding the new name and branding.  It is felt that the change has had a positive effect in attracting more volunteers- particularly men. There are currently about 500 active volunteers on the islands.

Cheryl Lowe

Jubilee Manager & Transport Coordinator

01481 246045

Chantal Gallienne

Jubilee Deputy Manager & Activities Organiser

01481 246045

Theresa Le Ber

Jubilee Assistant

01481 246045

Kerry Morse

Jubilee Assistant


01481 246045

Pam Davey

Activities Coordinator


01481 246045

Allen Webb



Jubilee Social Club

Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Denise Cohu

Russels Manager

01481 238055

Julie Matthews

Russels Assistant


01481 238055

Joy Le Page

Activities Organiser

01481 238055

Russels Social Club

Tuesday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

GVS Manager

01481 247518

Mandy Le Bachelet

GVS Administrator

01481 247518

Sandra Collins

Meals On Wheels Organiser

01481 247518

Niki Martin

Meals On Wheels Coordinator

01481 247518

Debbie Williams

GVS Office Staff

Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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