Blood Donor Service
The GVS’s team of volunteers provides a valuable service at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital. Three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 9:15 am and 11.45 am, they contact registered blood donors to arrange for them to attend the Blood Bank. The team must ensure that the donors are in good health and are available to attend the clinic. The blood is for use on the island and by donating their time, these volunteers enable HSC employees to focus on other jobs. On June 6th 2014, the blood donor service operated by the GVS celebrated 20 years of service.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are enquiring about becoming a blood donor, GVS volunteers are only responsible for making the donor calls on behalf of the Hospital. To become a donor, you will need to contact the Pathology Lab at the hospital on 220000 . We wish you well in your hope to donate blood as it is so worthwhile and important.